We hard at work in the epidemic on both coasts! In Los Angeles we are taking c
April 2, 2020We now have a #covid19 test that provides results within 72 hours. The cost is $
April 3, 2020What are the tools we can use to improve our immune function against #viral infection? We have a big tool kit, from pharmaceuticals like #Tamiflu which decrease our infectivity, to herbal treatments like olive leaf which have anti-viral effects, to essential oils like lemonbalm which inhibit viral protein translation, and even immuno modulators like #hydroxychloroquine (which has too many potential side effects to use routinely), we have a large tool kit. We also use #VitaminC, in IV form, high dose, which also is shown to be anti-viral. We will work hard to treat the flu, EBV, herpes, the common cold, and even #coronavirus, thats our committment to you!
L-ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is one of the well-known anti-viral agents, especially to influenza virus. Since the in vivo anti-viral effect is still controversial, we investigated whether vitamin C could regulate influenza virus infection in vivo by using …