The CCIM Member program aims to use proactive and comprehensive methods of communication and healthcare delivery to improve your health and quality of experience.

The purpose of the integrative medicine service is to offer diagnostic and therapeutic strategies which lead to the strengthening, optimization, and reinforcement of the patient’s healthy physiology. This approach, in conjunction with standard medical/surgical care, will improve patient outcomes.


The CCIM Member program aims to use proactive and comprehensive methods of communication and healthcare delivery to improve your health and quality of experience.

The purpose of the integrative medicine service is to offer diagnostic and therapeutic strategies which lead to strengthening, optimization, and reinforcement of the patient’s healthy physiology. This approach, in conjunction with standard medical/surgical care, will improve patient outcomes.

Key points of CCIM Concierge Membership (customized to you)

  • Unfettered, unlimited access to Dr. DV and Elaina
  • HIPPA-compliant texting service
  • Access to compounding pharmacy and customized medications and therapies
  • Access to professional-grade holistic medicines and services
  • Real-time communication with your various providers
  • Customized wellness plans
  • Meal Planning & Nutritional Assessments
  • Healthcare patient advocacy (in your interactions with other providers)
  • Integrative Copays for office and tele-health consultations (net savings of $200-400 per office visit)
  • Includes test kit fees ($50 savings per kit)
  • Immediate troubleshooting of any symptoms or medical concerns
  • Clinical Yogatherapy & Integrative Alchemy treatment plans (net savings of $100/treatment)


The CCIM Member program aims to use proactive and comprehensive methods of communication and healthcare delivery to improve your health and quality of experience.

The purpose of the integrative medicine service is to offer diagnostic and therapeutic strategies which lead to strengthening, optimization, and reinforcement of the patient’s healthy physiology. This approach, in conjunction with standard medical/surgical care, will improve patient outcomes.