Q: how do you introduce integrative medicine to patients in the hospital? A:
December 2, 2020![](https://ccimhealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/10931411_1577997235768969_1024442557455158031_n.jpg)
A balanced immune system is key to protect your body from illness
December 18, 2020Here's a list of neurologic conditions with endocrine causes, so you'd need a Neuroendocrinologist to help (we do this):
Menstrual migraine
Chronic fatigue (ME/CFS)
Epilepsy that starts in puberty (after the first menstrual period)
Dementia (any of the dementia syndromes)
Homepage - The Columbia Center for Integrative Medicine
COVID 19 Update SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT NOW! MICROBIOME REPAIR In your intestine lives trillions of bacteria, viruses, and fungi that control your immune system, neurochemistry, mood, metabolism, weight, and propensity to illness (especially cancer, dementia, autoimmune disease, and heart disease) O...Source