Science tells us that chronic sinusitis is caused by fungal overgrowth (Candiad).

Diagnostically, we can culture any drainage/pus coming from your sinuses/nasal passages. Blood testing for Candida antibodies may be helpful to connect the dots between fungal inflammation and sinusitis. If this is happening in your body, then you may be headed for a sinus infection. Other causes of chronic sinus congestion include intestinal dysbiosis (gut bacterial inflammation leading to mucus production) and dental infections.


Our service begins with a comprehensive consultation with our physician to identify the plan of action that may involve physical exam and diagnostic testing involving nasopharyngeal swab and blood testing, urine testing for mold and stool testing. 

Treatments may include antifungal treatments, nasal flushes, nasya, ayurvedic treatments to declog the sinuses. We have a large toolkit of treatments involving antifungal medications, essential oil treatments, ayurvedic treatments, mucolytics, gut microbiome and sinus microbiome repair treatments. All treatments and approaches are customized to the unique features of each individual patient.