- Fatigue, Insomnia, Chronic pain
- Menstrual & Menopausal complaints
- Diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity
- Thyroid, Adrenal, Ovarian, and Prostate problems
- Estrogen Dominance
- Sinus congestion, bronchitis, allergies, asthma
- Kidney stones, chronic liver disease
- Bacterial Overgrowth, GI inflammation, Colitis, IBS, bloating
- GERD (reflux)
- Autoimmune conditions, Systemic and coronary inflammation
- Prevention, Wellness, and Anti-aging methods
- Chronic stress, headaches, and reflux
- Chronic pain and fatigue
- Chronic Lyme and Parasitic infections
- Anxiety, Depression, and Mental Health conditions
- Neck pain, cervical spondylarthopathy, arthritis
- Finger, elbow, shoulder, knee, and ankle pain
- Sciatica, Sacroiliac dysfunction, Ligament problems, Joint Problems, Cance
- Optimizing Quality of Life
The first step is a consultation with our integrative physician for:
- Intake evaluation and history
- Comprehensive Physical Exam
- Assessment
- Plan of action, including planning for diagnostic testing
After agreement upon the assessment, a plan of care is then designed. Treatment plans emphasize rapid improvement of symptoms, meal planning, nutrition, emotional well-being, and close follow up.
Treatment methods include:
- Anti-microbial therapies to resolve gut dysbiosis or chronic infection
- Enterocyte & colonocyte treatments to heal the gut mucosal lining
- Polyphenol anti-inflammatories
- NRF2 modulators
- IV, isotonic, and pill anti-inflammatories
- IV Curcumin
- IV micronutrient therapies
- IV high dose Vitamin C (for cancer and severe inflammation)
- Microbiome diversification strategies
- Bioidentical hormone therapies
- Essential oil therapies
- Liposomal therapies (glutathione & Vitamin C)
- Integrative Alchemy
- Clinical Yoga-therapy
- Micronutrient replacement therapies
- Pharmaceutical Medications
- Herbal Therapies
- Ayurvedic assessments and herbs
- Structural Alignment strategies
- Psychospiritual Alignment & Chakra Balancing strategies
- Customized compounded therapies
- Energetic therapies: Reiki, pranayama, meditation
- Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Massage
- Customized Nutritional Meal Planning